Once we have been notified by your surgeon about your operation, where possible you will be sent an estimate for the likely costs of anaesthetic care for your forthcoming operation. You may also telephone us on 07719 940488 to check the anaesthetic fees.
The estimate is based on the proposed operation and may change in accordance with the surgery actually performed.
Depending on the type of operation performed, you may be offered a specialised, advanced pain relief technique that requires additional time and expertise.
The final invoice will reflect any such technique chosen by you and your Consultant Anaesthetist.
Dorchester Anaesthetists or your surgeon may occasionally request that some patients attend an anaesthetic assessment with a Consultant Anaesthetist. If you are asked to attend this clinic, we will evaluate in detail your fitness for surgery and we will ensure the optimisation of your health prior to admission. An additional charge is applied for this consultation.
The estimated fee will not include the following:
– Pre-operative anaesthetic assessments by a Consultant Anaesthetist where deemed necessary
– Further unplanned or emergency surgical procedures (except where a fixed price has been agreed in advance)
– Post operative care over and above the initial 24 hours post surgery
– Additional epidurals, spinals and anaesthetic nerve blocks (which may not be stated as included on your estimate)
– Transfer and ambulance attendance fees
– Admission to High Dependency/ Intensive Care.
Our fees are based on fair and usual rates with reference to many insurance companies’ published schedules. These vary widely. You should, therefore, contact your insurance company in advance of your operation to establish the benefits payable under the terms of your policy. You will be liable for any difference between the charge and the amount that is covered by your type of insurance policy.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us on – 07719 940488.